The Mapping (In)Justice Symposium at Fordham University will convene a group of more than 60 critical scholars over three days to explore structural inequities in or through spatial media, especially as they relate to matters of difference—such as race, gender, class, ethnicity, ability, sexuality, and religion.
UPDATE 11/1: Advanced registration is now closed for the Mapping (In)Justice Symposium. Walk-ins are welcome for individual sessions and talks, pending availability and with priority seating given to those with advanced registration.
While there is no registration fee, we encourage all attendees to donate a commensurate “registration fee” to our friends and neighbors at Goddard Riverside at Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center (LSNC). Be sure to enter “Fordham Symposium” in the “Gift Information” field of the form so your donation goes directly to programs offered by the LSNC. (More Info)
Schedule of Events
Thursday, November 7th
McNally Amphitheatre (Entrance: 140 West 62nd Street)
9:00AM -7:00PM M(I)J Project Gallery
Interactive projects will be displayed in McNally Atrium on Day One.
8:30-9:00 Registration Check-In
9:00-9:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks
- Dennis Jacobs, Provost and Senior VP for Academic Affairs at Fordham University
- George Hong, Chief Research Officer at Fordham University
- Gregory Donovan, Co-Coordinator of Fordham Digital Scholarship Consortium
(15min Break)
9:45 – 11:00 Panel Discussion: Gallery Project Spotlight
Chair: Elizabeth Cornell (Fordham University, Director of IT Communications)
- Project 1: Susana Horng, Creative Cartography: The City as Site of Cultural Production
- Project 2: Nerve Macaspac, Mapping Racial Capitalism: Gentrification and Legacies of Redlining in New York City
- Project 3: Christopher Rogers & Anna Smith, Mapping as Metaphor & Practice in Community-Immersive Teacher Education
- Project 4: sava saheli singh, Screening Surveillance: Mapping, Monitoring, and Future-Ing Big Data Surveillance
- Project 5: Manon Vergerio & Ariana Faye Allensworth, Counter-Mapping Evictions in NYC
(15min Break)
11:15 – 12:45 Paper Session 1: Mapping / Development and Displacement
Chair: George Hong (Fordham University, Chief Research Officer)
- Paper 1: Christian Anderson & Amir Sheikh, Augmenting People’s Geographies of Seattle: Digital Platforms as Participatory Methods
- Paper 2: Will Payne, Gourmet Gentrification: Mapping Elite Tastes Along New York’s Consumption Frontier, 1990-2015
- Paper 3: Bree Akesson, Mapping Stories: Using GPS as an Ethnographic Approach to Socio-Spatial Research with Families Displaced by War
(12:45 – 1:45 – Lunch Break)
1:45 – 3:15 Paper Session 2: Mapping / Distributive Justice
Chair: Gregory Acevedo (Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service)
- Paper 1: Pablo Herreros Cantis & Timon McPhearson, Distributional Justice of NYC’s Urban Ecosystem Services: Analyzing the Mismatches in Supply and Demand
- Paper 2: Lauri Goldkind, Rights Based Data Practice: Data Justice in Virtual Spaces and on the Ground
- Paper 3: Jason Douglas, Participatory Mapping for Community Empowerment and Health Equity
(15min Break)
3:30 – 5:00 Paper Session 3: Mapping / the Local: A Focus on New York
Chair: Jacqueline Reich (Fordham University, Communication and Media Studies)
Special Introduction: Susan Matloff-Nieves (Deputy Executive Director) and Dalys Castro (Lincoln Square Neighborhood Center Site Director) from Goddard Riverside Community Center
- Paper 1: Adam Arenson, Slavery in the Bronx: Mapping, Advocacy, and Genealogy in a Digital Public History Project
- Paper 2: Roger Panetta, Digital Sing Sing: Specters of the Incarcerated
- Paper 3: Jennifer Pipitone & Svetlana Jović, Out of Bounds: Mapping Uptown Youth’s Everyday Mobility Through Geo-Tagged Photo-Making
(15min Break)
5:15 – 6:30 Keynote / Sarah Elwood (University of Washington)
Chair: Gregory Donovan (Fordham University, Communication and Media Studies)
- Lecture: “Doing Critical GIS Otherwise: Digital Mediations of Life, Thriving, and Possibility”
6:30 Reception: McNally Atrium
Friday November 8th
12th Floor Lounge (Entrance: 113 West 60th Street)
9:30 10:00 Registration Check-In
10:00 – 10:45 Featured Project / Morris Justice
Chair: Ralph Vacca (Fordham University, Communication and Media Studies)
- Lecture: “Mapping Our Home: Using Participatory Mapping to Counter Aggressive NYPD Policing in the South Bronx,” Brett Stoudt (John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
(15min Break)
11:00 – 12:30 Paper Session 4: Mapping / Representation and Erasure
Chair: Sameena Azhar (Fordham University, Graduate School of Social Service)
- Paper 1: Rita Lambert, Revealing the Networks Behind ‘Informal’ Urbanization an Ethnography of Cartographic Practices
- Paper 2: Orna Vaadia, Restoration of Erased Landscapes, Counter-Mapping and Memory Activism: The Case of Zochrot’s Nakba Maps
- Paper 3: Bryan Smith, Visualising Everyday Colonial Commemoration: Digitally Mapping Settler-Colonial Commemoration
(12:30 – 1:30 – Lunch Break)
1:45 – 3:15 Paper Session 5: Mapping / Urban Education
Chair: Justin Coles (Fordham University, Graduate School of Education)
- Paper 1: Jeremy Singer, How Policymakers Make Sense of and Act on Mapping Data in Education Research
- Paper 2: Bryan Mann & Jaclyn Dudek, Mapping and Placemaking to Understand School Segregation and Integration
- Paper 3: Charisse Gulosino, Geography of Charter School Opportunity: The Case of New York City Subway Lines and Education Deserts
(15min Break)
3:30 – 5:00 Paper Session 6: Mapping / Critical Histories
Chair: Matthew Davies (Birkbeck – University of London, Urban History)
- Paper 1: Idil Onen, Anna Rebrii & William Scarfone, A Tale of Two Cities: Sur Before and After
- Paper 2: Meghan Cope, Mapping Critical Historical Geographies of Childhood
- Paper 3: Fatima Koli, (Un)privileging the Map: A Community Collaboration in Understanding Economic Security
(15min Break)
5:15 – 6:30 Keynote / Nazera Sadiq Wright (University of Kentucky)
Chair: Maryanne Kowaleski (Fordham University, History and Medieval Studies)
- Lecture: “DIGITAL G(IR)LS: Mapping Black Girlhood in the Nineteenth Century”
Saturday, November 9th
12th Floor Lounge (Entrance: 113 West 60th Street)
9:30 10:00 Registration Check-In
10:00 – 10:45 Featured Project / Torn Apart / Separados
Chair: Barbara Mundy (Fordham University, Art History)
- Lecture: “Mobilized Humanities: The Case of Torn Apart / Separados,” Alex Gil (Columbia University)
(15min Break)
11:00 – 12:45 Paper Session 7: Mapping / Vulnerability and Resilience
Chair: Tierney Gleason (Fordham University, Reference and Digital Humanities Librarian)
- Paper 1: Helena Suárez-Val, Mapping Feminicide
- Paper 2: Debra Mackinnon & sava saheli singh, Vulnerable Bodies: Relations of Visibility in the Speculative Smart City
- Paper 3: Veronica Olivotto, How Flood Risk and Justice Combine in Coastal Cities: A Mix-Method Approach for East Harlem (New York City)
(12:45 – 2:15 – Lunch Break)
2:15 – 4:00 Paper Session 8: Mapping / Power and Privilege
Chair: Micki McGee (Fordham University, Sociology and American Studies)
- Paper 1: Taylor Shelton, Towards a Situated Mapping: Visualizing Urban Inequity Between the God Trick and Strategic Positivism
- Paper 2: Dare Brawley, Gayatri Kawlra & Francis Yu, Ethics and/of Uncertainty: Urban Computing’s Synthetic People
- Paper 3: Kelley Kreitz, Humanities Futures: Reflections on Digital Mapping for Democratizing the Production of Knowledge
- Paper 4: Craig Dalton, Who’s Map? Everyday Actions of Spatial Data Resistance
4:00 – 4:30 Symposium Closing
Chair: Gregory Donovan & Jacqueline Reich